Kevin Kane
Board of Directors

Kevin Kane joined the Board in 2024, however he has been involved with CaringMatters since the mid-2010’s while serving as a banker and commercial real estate lender executive at M&T Bank.
Mr. Kane’s commercial real estate career spanned nearly 40 years where he built meaningful client relationships and provided their large real estate project-based financing needs throughout the Greater Washington region and multiple East Coast marketplaces. Prior to joining M&T Bank, Mr. Kane managed regional commercial real estate offices for Credit Suisse/Column Financial in Bethesda and GE Capital in both Washington, DC, and Boston.
After retiring from the bank, Kevin joined the CaringMatters Board of Trustees in 2022. Since 2023, Kevin has been actively engaged with the organization as a volunteer driver in the Just Rides Program, while also serving as a member of both the Development Committee and the Golf Tournament Planning Committee.
“Over time, I have witnessed first-hand the loving commitment and heart for service in CaringMatters’ staff and volunteers and been profoundly moved by the personal testimonials from the people they serve,” said Kevin.
A native Washingtonian and a graduate of University of Maryland with a B.S. in Finance, Mr. Kane has been active in the local community coaching youth and high school basketball, providing career guidance to younger aspiring professionals and serving as a former board member and finance committee chair for Community Reach of Montgomery County.