Annual Sponsorship Opportunities
CaringMatters’ work with children, adults and families facing serious illness and grieving the death of a loved one is made possible through the support of donors and sponsors. Sponsors also enable us to raise awareness and advocate within the community about end-of-life concerns, advance care planning and grief.
For the first time, CaringMatters is offering a new, specialized sponsorship package that will allow you and your company to define and tailor visibility and benefits to fit the needs of your company, your employees, your financial strategy, and your community. As an annual sponsor, your company will have the opportunity to be a branded partner with CaringMatters and other community leaders, while highlighting your commitment to corporate social responsibility and leadership. Annual sponsorships begin at $10,000.
Benefits for Annual Sponsors:
• Brand recognition across multiple programs and media outlets.
• Networking opportunities at CaringMatters’ signature events.
• Customized employee engagement, volunteer, and awareness programs.
2025 Key Events and Programs with Promotional Opportunities for Annual Sponsors:
Raise Your Glass: The 11th Annual Raise Your Glass Wine Tasting Fundraiser, will be held at Windridge Vineyards in Darnestown, MD, on May 20, 2025.
CaringMatters Golf Tournament: This 18-hole scramble tournament will be held at Lakewood Country Club in Darnestown, MD, on September 8, 2025.
Silver Linings Gala: Our signature event will be held at Columbia Country Club in Chevy Chase, MD on Saturday, November 1, 2025.
Tree of Love Celebration: This annual event brings our community together to honor and remember those who have touched our lives. The ceremony, including instrumental music, responsive readings and reading of the names, will be held at the CaringMatters cottage on December 6, 2025.
Community Education: Events are designed to develop knowledge and skills around end-of-life and grief related topics that can be applied to daily life.
For questions or information about Annual Sponsorships,
please contact Allison Stearns, allisons@caringmatters.org or 301-869-0113