Community Education
Our Community Education programs facilitate constructive conversations in the community about serious illness, caregiving challenges, end-of-life and grief.
CaringMatters strives to develop community knowledge and skills around serious illness, caregiving challenges, end-of-life and grief-related topics that can be applied to daily life. Our meaningful educational events and discussions help build a caring and compassionate community.
For information on Community Education, please contact
Leigh Bluestein, or 301-990-7927
Thank you to our Community Education funding partner
Upcoming Webinar
Death Cleaning and Decluttering: Why It Matters and How To Do It
Speaker: Chris Palmer
Thursday, September 19, 2024, 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Death cleaning & decluttering is the process of eliminating unnecessary items from the home, so loved ones won't be burdened with a big mess when we die. Death cleaning means your house or apartment has a minimal number of objects, and all those objects are useful, meaningful, and valuable (for example, they may carry strong emotional value). This program will discuss the process, why it matters and how to get started.
​Chris Palmer is an author, speaker, wildlife filmmaker, conservationist, educator, professor, and grandfather. He dedicated his professional career to conservation but now devotes his life to death and dying issues. His 10th book, Achieving a Good Death: A Practical Guide to the End of Life, will be published by Rowman & Littlefield in 2024. He is a trained hospice volunteer and founded and runs an aging, death, and dying group for the Bethesda Metro Area Village. He serves on the Board of Montgomery Hospice & Prince George’s Hospice, is vice president of the Funeral Consumers Alliance of Maryland & Environs and serves on the Advisory Council for the Maryland Office of Cemetery Oversight. He is on the Bethesda Metro Area Environs and is a former Board member of the Green Burial Association of Maryland.
Past Community Education Presentations Include:
Webinar: Live Well to Die Well
Webinar: Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy: Extending Compassion and Whole Person Healing
Webinar: Cognitive Change: Understanding, Connecting, and Creating Moments of Joy
Webinar - Prepare for the Inevitable: Financial Planning to Prepare for the Death of a Family Member
Webinar - Seniors and Social Isolation
Webinar - Suffocated Grief and Black Youth Coping with Loss
Webinar - How to Support Grieving People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Webinar - Caregiver Stress in Asian American Communities
Webinar - Providing Inclusive and Affirming Care for the LGBTQ+ Community
Webinar - Caring for the Caregiver
Webinar - The End-of-Life Doulas: A Collaborative Approach to End-of-Life Care
Webinar - Grief Support for the Black Community: Understanding the Culture of Trauma and Developing an Empathy-Driven Mindset
Webinar: Grief: Support for Yourself and Those You Care About
Webinar - Grief in the Workplace: Guidance for Employees and Employers
Webinar - ​Voice Your Choice: Preparing for Health Care Emergencies
Webinar - Speaking Grief Film Discussion
Webinar - LGBTQ+ Seriously Ill Seniors: Opportunities for Better Care
Webinar - Grief and Self-Care in the Time of COVID-19
Webinar - Supporting Grieving Students After a Death: How We Can Help Them Build Resilience in a Time of Physical Distancing
Navigating Transitions for Your Loved One's Care
Nine To Ninety Film Screening & Discussion
Caregivers' Toolkit: Community Resources for Patients & Families Facing Serious Illness
Voices of Grief Film Screening & Discussion
Managing Grief in the Age of 24-Hour News & Social Media