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Hope Gleicher

Board of Trustees


Hope Gleicher has been working for more than 30 years for social change primarily as an entrepreneurial organizational founder and leader with responsibility for nonprofit management, operations and fund development. She was the lead author and/or director of several publications including a 2008 study on troops from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan returning to the Greater Washington region; Beyond Charity: Recognizing Return on Investment; Beyond Charity: Nonprofit Business in Montgomery County; Beyond Dollars: Investing in Big Change.


Hope is currently the Chief Strategy Officer for Identity, Inc., and prior to that, she was the Director of Nonprofit Montgomery. Hope spent more than 10 years as a hospice volunteer and has supported  CaringMatters over the past six years by providing pro bono consultation and retreat facilitation.  


"CaringMatters' mission resonates with my family's experiences giving and receiving support through terminal illnesses and while grieving," said Hope.


Hope earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Macalester College and Master’s Degree in social work from the University of Minnesota.


518 S. Frederick Ave.

Gaithersburg, MD 20877

301-869-HOPE (4673)
301-990-4909 (fax)

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CaringMatters is a 501(c)(3) non-profi­t organization registered with the State of Maryland, and our EIN is 52-1591455. A copy of our current ­financial statement is available by contacting CaringMatters, Inc. at 518 South Frederick Avenue, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 or at 301-869-4673. Documents and information submitted to the State of Maryland Charitable Solicitations Act are available from the Office of the Secretary.

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