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Congratulations to our
2019 Pearls of Hope Gala Honorees!

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Legacy Honoree: In honor of Irma Poretsky and in memory of

her late husband, Lester Poretsky

Irma Poretsky and her late husband, Lester, have been familiar figures in philanthropic circles in Montgomery County for many years. Their involvement and generosity has helped nonprofit organizations across the area grow and more positively impact the communities they serve. Since Lester’s death in 2012, Irma has continued to honor his legacy and community-minded values. When Irma learned about CaringMatters’ Volunteer Helping Hands program from a dear friend, she was deeply touched. She knew from personal experience how impactful and comforting these services can be for people facing serious illness and the end of life. Her compassionate and philanthropic spirit guided her initial support of CaringMatters several years ago. Irma continues to be an enthusiastic supporter and loyal champion of CaringMatters’ important work. Irma explains her motivation to give generously to local charities by saying, “if I can’t help them, who will!”

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Loyalty Honoree: Steven Ornstein, EDGE Floral Event Designers

Steven Ornstein of EDGE Floral Event Designers can remember when his relationship with CaringMatters began. In the early 1990’s, Steve met Penny Gladhill, CaringMatters’ founder, and was immediately drawn to the organization and its mission. He started providing beautiful décor for early fundraising events and jumped in wherever he was needed, including modeling in a fashion show. As the years have gone by, he has become even more involved, joining the Board of Trustees, serving on event committees and donating the most beautiful floral creations for all CaringMatters’ events. Steve proudly proclaims that he will never say no to CaringMatters.


“There are so many stories of people greatly impacted by CaringMatters’ services. It takes a special kind of person and an extraordinary organization to do the work they do. I am so proud to see how the organization is evolving and continuing to improve the quality of life in our community.” For nearly thirty years, Steve Ornstein and EDGE Floral Event Designers have been among CaringMatters’ most treasured supporters and partners.


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Corporate Leadership Honoree:  M&T Bank 

An inspiring comment or story can spark a special relationship between a nonprofit and a corporate partner. That exact scenario played out several years ago when a CaringMatters’ Board Member was sharing his pride in the organization with a friend and business associate from M&T Bank.  That conversation paved the way for a partnership between M&T Bank and CaringMatters that has grown strong and continues today.


M&T Bank is a prominent presence in Montgomery County. A Fortune 500 company, M&T is made up of 17 community bank regions and more than 780 branches across several states. Despite their size, they maintain close connections and generously support organizations in the communities they serve. CaringMatters is honored to be among the select organizations that benefit from their kindness, corporate values and focus on families.


518 S. Frederick Ave.

Gaithersburg, MD 20877

301-869-HOPE (4673)
301-990-4909 (fax)

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CaringMatters is a 501(c)(3) non-profi­t organization registered with the State of Maryland, and our EIN is 52-1591455. A copy of our current ­financial statement is available by contacting CaringMatters, Inc. at 518 South Frederick Avenue, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 or at 301-869-4673. Documents and information submitted to the State of Maryland Charitable Solicitations Act are available from the Office of the Secretary.

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