10:01:39 From Monica Czaplinski to Everyone: good morning 10:01:52 From Lesley MacDonald to Host and Panelists: found the slide 10:11:36 From Leigh Bluestein to Everyone: Welcome everyone! Please feel free to post questions and comments here in Chat. 10:12:27 From Lesley MacDonald to Everyone: Gaithersburg Financial Empowerment Center offers free financial counseling for Gaithersburg residents - for more information about the services and our Financial Wellness Webinars, visit www.gaithersburgmd.gov/fec 10:13:35 From Veronica Pease to Everyone: Is the financial counseling only for "City" of Gaithersburg residents? 10:14:52 From Lesley MacDonald to Everyone: Unfortunately, yes. We hope to expand the service, so stay tuned. 10:26:25 From Leigh Bluestein to Everyone: I will share these slides with all registrants via a follow up email. 10:29:06 From Carolyn Carlson to Host and Panelists: AARP has a book, “The Other Talk” that was very helpful to us. 10:30:28 From amy bayersdorfer to Everyone: Might want to be thoughtful about "access" to online accounts vs "join owner" for tax purposes 10:36:44 From amy bayersdorfer to Everyone: I have not used this, but it's on my list of things to look at: https://www.thenokbox.com/ 10:38:03 From Bernice Pine to Everyone: How do I find a good estate planning / elder law attorney? 10:38:47 From amy bayersdorfer to Everyone: Also, in this day and age, access to online passwords (or an online password manager) is super important 10:40:19 From Audrey Rothstein to Host and Panelists: MOLST Forms, DNR 10:41:57 From Leigh Bluestein to Sue DeGraba(Direct Message): Hi Sue. Can you please stop sharing your screen now? 10:42:19 From Caryl McNeilly to Everyone: Key passwords for someone to know (or detailed in book): phone screen unlock pw, laptop unlock pw, password manager pw, Quicken pw (if used) -- am I missing anything there? 10:42:38 From Caryl McNeilly to Everyone: Daily Money Managers can help with bill pay, submitting insurance--that provides someone who knows where accounts, etc are to bridge to family or a POA rep taking over 10:46:13 From Caryl McNeilly to Everyone: For representatives designated in Medical POA, they need to have access to list of doctors, medications, access to calendar for scheduled appointments 10:46:38 From amy bayersdorfer to Everyone: ALso, Trust law/requirements differ by state -- not just the Directives, but good to consult a trust atty if people move 10:47:33 From Caryl McNeilly to Everyone: Daily Money Manager is a profession -- I only learned a couple years ago that they are around and can be a godsend 10:48:31 From susan kimmwl to Host and Panelists: My name is also Susan, but I am the opposite of Sue. I try to avoid doing “paperwork.” This task seems overwhelming. How do you suggest getting started? 10:52:06 From Caryl McNeilly to Everyone: My mother passed away last year, she left detailed instructions for funeral, but it would have been incredibly helpful to have a list of friends to notify -- trying to guess who in her address book was important was impossible 10:53:49 From Caryl McNeilly to Everyone: Google also offers the option of designating a Legacy contact (important for gmail accounts) 10:54:20 From amy bayersdorfer to Everyone: on the iPhone, you can set a Legacy contact who can access your iCloud account. Helpful for accessing photos, etc. https://support.apple.com/en-us/102631 10:56:05 From amy bayersdorfer to Everyone: FYI, the NOKBox stands for Next of Kin -- it looks like a super organized, detailed version of Sue's notebook 10:57:05 From Lesley MacDonald to Everyone: This has been so helpful - you only have to go through the death of a family member once to know that it's always more complicated than you think! 10:57:58 From Caryl McNeilly to Everyone: One other aid to successors: many of us keep all this info in computer, so providing information about structure of computer files may be as important as passwords (e.g. C:Financial/ and C:/Medical 11:01:21 From Caryl McNeilly to Everyone: I just closed my Mother's estate, so this is on my mind. One other suggestion, AARP has the best death checklist! 11:01:30 From Monica Czaplinski to Everyone: thanks. great information 11:01:42 From Caryl McNeilly to Everyone: How do we save Chat? 11:01:57 From Veronica Pease to Everyone: Thank you so much. Very informative and helpful. 11:02:02 From Caryl McNeilly to Everyone: Yes please! 11:02:11 From Allison Stearns to Host and Panelists: Wonderful session, thanks to all involved! 11:02:17 From Jeanine Gould-Kostka to Everyone: Thank you for an excellent presentation and discussion! 11:02:41 From Tamara Haskins to Host and Panelists: Great job everyone! 11:02:46 From frsan Levin to Host and Panelists: Well done. Many thanksQ 11:02:57 From Mary Shea to Host and Panelists: Thank you so much to all presenters. Very helpful! 11:03:05 From Caryl McNeilly to Everyone: Thank you!